An interpreter for my very own high-level, interpreted, and dynamically typed programming language written in rust called Gabelang.
Gabriel BuxoSoftware Engineer
Coding for over a decade. AI/ML enthusiast and fullstack developer
- Algorithmic Problem Solving
- Fullstack Development
- Low Level Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Test Driven Development
- DevOps
- Docker
- Agile Development
- Accessible Design
- Communication
- Linux
- Neovim
Languages and Frameworks
- Javascript
- Typescript
- C
- Rust
- Python
- NextJS
- React
- Svelte
- Angular
- Java
- C#
- Godot
About Me
Hello! I'm Gabriel Buxo. With over a decade of coding experience, I began my journey as a Javascript enthusiast in middle school. Throughout the years, I've maintained a keen interest in expanding my skill set and honing my craft. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality software solutions and fostering collaboration within teams. My passion for computer science has driven me to develop numerous apps and programs, a selection of which is showcased below, with many more projects in the pipeline.
My Projects
An easy to use solver for the algebra step of the terminus beamsmasher easter egg for BO6 Zombies. Used over 15k times by real users!
This app written in rust and designed as an exploration in writing files to match specifications allows users to make songs, save them to a custom file format and export them to wav files.
An offline-first todo PWA where you can have multiple lists and export data from your account to your local storage. This fullstack app was built in sveltekit with handrolled auth and is still in development.
A static site generator that can convert markdown files into html and serve. Project provided by
In my senior year of highschool, after studying and self teaching neural networks, I created one from scratch and trained it to beat a self made flappy bird clone using a genetic algorithm!